Sunday, January 23, 2011


 that time was 12.34am.i switched on my pc then wait for a while.i quickly log in my msn messenger.then i saw my friends list and only mea cassandra on her msn.then i sent a nudge to her.a few second she sent me a nudge back.i afraid she asleep in front her lappy like here this some part of our chatting:

mea: yarabi!slow giler line mlm nih!
meesha: sabar.dugaan tu!haha.mybe line x kasi u on9.haha.
mea: geram tol i tau.nanti i baling modem ni ke laut karang.
meesha: huish.jgn u nak buat hal oke.terkejut kite sume dyesebel ade facebook nanti.
mea: haha.betul jugak tuh.mcm mne rupe dyesebel bgamba nanti kan.mesti sexy gilerr.
meesha: pasti kalah kite punye pic kan.haha.sowt.
mea: haha.huish.mesti byk giler friends dye nanti.pasti ade byk hot guy add dye.
meesha: jelous i tau.
mea: ade facebook la fredo tu nanti.aww.
meesha: haha.i org first yg add dye nanti.i kasi "in relationship with fredo" terus.fredo is mine!no sharing2.
mea: haha.awal tol dye cop no sharing2 ek.
meesha: haha.betol ape.actually rupe duyung tu hodoh la.saytan itu wei.
mea: betil ke?x jd la i baling ke laut.baling ke hutan je la.
meesha: wah!hutan?best tu.dpt i chat dgn singa narnia tu.
mea: ye x ye juge kan.i nak "in relationship with peter" la.
meesha: haha.klu cmtu i plk nak "engaged to edmund" lah.u jd kakak ipar i.hehe.
mea: pmpuan "the white witch" tu jahat ler.parah kite nanti.
meesha: xpe.jgn takut.kite ade agama.kite baca jer.kalah pmpuan tu kerje kite.
mea: betul jgk kan.biar edmund n peter jatuh hati tgk kite bdua.
meesha: cewah!haha.berangan jer keje kite payah ler singa dgn pmpuan sihir tu.asyik nak bgaduh je.ade disihir dye plik2 facebook tu nanti.xde pkai kite main ler nanti
mea: ye la kan.xjadi lah.baling ke langit je la.biar aman.
meesha: klu kt langit dpt i order kete robot mcm transformer tu pakai facebook.mcm org salu buat sale.xyah beli minyak n servis kete.
mea: betol jgk kan.dpt blawan musuh.jd hero kite nanti.masuk news straits time, buletin tv3 n oprah.kalah angelina jolie n brad pitt tau.
meesha: haha.bygkan gmba mreka di facebook.dh la robot.mesti seksi sakan.pose bkn main ag.
mea: haha.lawak tau.haha.muncongkn mulut indah act cute gitu.xmo ag i imagine tu.
meesha: tp bahaya bumi nanti.ade kite yg kene tanggung perang antara optimus prime dgn decepticon.
mea: tol gak tu.xmo perang2 gitu.dh aman dh skrg nih.xjd la i baling kt mne2 ag.sume bahaya.baik i yg pkai je modem ni.
meesha: haha.oke2.

*moral from this story: dreaming is actually good for us.if we can dreaming of something thats mean we have our own dream.thats will make us to try the best to get what we want.but remember dont over dreaming just like this two girl.

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